How to find coupons and deals in CJ? |
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How to find coupons and deals in CJ?


One of the questions publishers ask most often is “Is it possible to find all the coupon codes, sales and deals my advertisers offer at on place”?
Of course it is! Let’s see where and how.

Find easily all the deals, sales and coupons following this step-by-step guide. 

Log into your account, go to Links – Search and select Promotion Type  – Coupons (or Sale/Discount, Free Shipping, etc.)

Choose My Advertisers Only to see the promotional links of the programs you've already joined. To be able to get a link for your site, you need to be a member of the program.

To create the link, click on the promotion and press GET CODE.

If you have more than one website, make sure you are geting a link for the right one. Choose it in the dropdown menu Website and don't forget to press the button Update Code.

Another way to get all the promotions at once is by using API. This option allows easy filtering and access to XML feed. You'll receive all the data, including type of promotion, expiration date and affiliate link for your site.

For more details, watch CJ's tutorial.

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